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This is one of the most famous and acknowledged brands in the world, which is associated with the ideas of luxury, high quality and status. This explains why Louis Vuitton products are popular with people of all ages, making them popular worldwide. Iconic designs like the LV monogram and Damier patterns can be considered exclusive and stylised so that they are easily imitated by other brands, which adds to the popular appeal. Furthermore, designs like the Speedy, Neverfull and the Alma are classic by nature, meaning they are never out of fashion, adding to their importance. Another factor that cannot be sidelined is the retail prices of authentic Louis Vuitton purses, which are still relatively high. These items are usually pricey and inaccessible to many consumers; hence, there is a high probability of cheaper fake products. Pirates take advantage of this loophole by making copies of original products that may be hard to distinguish at first glance. Therefore, the fact that LV purses are associated with brand prestige, iconic designs, and high price tags became an enticing and lucrative endeavour in counterfeiting.
