Guide to Obtaining the Razorplate Unique Chest Armor in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Season of Blood introduced many new and powerful unique D4 items for players to find and experiment with

Diablo 4 Season of Blood introduced many new and powerful unique D4 items for players to find and experiment with. One such item is the Razorplate Unique Chest Armor, a strong defensive piece that enhances the Thorn damage playstyle. In this guide, we'll cover where and how you can obtain this unique armor.


Razorplate Armor Details

First, let's discuss what makes the Razorplate unique. According to its lore text, it was crafted from the armor of the legendary cannibal Armada. Even centuries later, her armor remains fused to her corpse.

Stat-wise, the Razorplate is quite straightforward - it simply grants the player a large Thorn damage bonus ranging from 80 to 24,950 points while equipped. This passive damage increase from equipped Diablo 4 items is extremely beneficial for builds focusing on retaliation via Thorn skills.

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Farming Locations for the Razorplate

There are a few primary activities and enemies you can engage in to try and obtain the Razorplate unique armor:

  • Defeating the endgame boss Lord Zir the Dark Master. He has a high drop chance for powerful unique buy D4 items.
  • Running Nightmare Dungeons at World Tiers 3+. Chests here can contain unique armor like the Razorplate.
  • Participating in World Events like World Bosses and gathering mini-bosses. These grant extra rare drops.

All of these options offer reasonable chances to find the Razorplate, but the most consistent method is likely Lord Zir. Defeating him requires higher Paragon levels and well-optimized builds though.

Gearing Up and Preparing for the Farm

Before taking on harder content like Nightmare Dungeons and Lord Zir, focus on improving your character with better buy D4 items. Run normal rifts and bounties for crafting materials. You can then sell excess items and crafting components on auction houses to earn gold.

Use the gold to buy better level Reduction and Damage items from vendors. Rolls on rare pieces will increase your toughness and DPS. Don't forget to upgrade gems for additional bonuses. With an optimized build, you'll survive far better against difficult bosses.

Wrapping Up

We hope this guide provided some helpful tips on obtaining the powerful Razorplate unique armor. Remember that with perseverance and continuous upgrades between farming sessions, the best unique items will make their way into your possession over time. Happy hunting! 


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